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Crafting the Imaginary into Reality

what we do

Bringing Fantasy Into Reality

Draconicals (drey-kon-i-kuh ls) was created to try to bring the fantastical that we all loved as kids and grew to adore even more, into reality. Dragons, monsters, costumes, and props, the things that are so wondrous to read about that it is hard to snap back into the real world at times. Instead of fighting that battle, we have chosen to forge those dreams into physical, tangible objects and works of art.

By utilizing the current technology we prototype out fantastical creations, polish, mold, cast, and paint each individually to bring our personal touch to everything we create. Starting out by absorbing every tip, trick, method, and thing that one guy did - we try to push to make bigger and better costumes and props everytime.



Tools of the Trade

By utilizing the latest and greatest in 2D design software for Vector designs and image manipulation, as well as 3D sculpting and CAD software. PDF, EPS, and OBJ format files can be made available along with the final product for future use. As 3D Design and Animation trained professionals, with the ability to take an idea and run with it, we bring ideas into three-dimensional space digitally, or into the physical world for production with the use of our on-site 3D printer and fabrication techniques.

Our cosplay team includes:

Ryan Rea (Founder) is trained in 3D & 2D design, as well as on-hand fabrication, airbrushing, and electronics and lighting setup.

Heather Stewart who is our Mold Making and Casting guru, trained in 2D design and image manipulation.

For a look at some of our Past Projects take a look here.

For some of our current and On-Going Projects (in-house or previous client permission) click here.